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Urban renewal

Spielplatzeinweihung © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main

Some districts or quarters of down have “aged” and are no longer in keeping with current needs or standards. For example, a compelling need for action in a district may stem from the following characteristics:

  • A concentration of buildings there exhibiting a severe need for modernization and restoration,
  • A longer, enduring period of extensive vacancies,
  • An absence of “residential support facilities” such as kindergartens or shops, or where these exist they are of inferior quality, 
  • Problems in the residential fabric or the public space, such as the inadequate provision of areas for children to play, scant green areas or problematic transport links or traffic problems,
  • Social conflicts or flashpoints.

In order to take an integrative approach to addressing the problems in districts that are especially hard hit, urban planning can bring a combination of various support instruments to bear as a comprehensive package of measures. At any rate, the goal is always urban renewal, social stabilization and the strengthening of the local economy in order to emphatically foster the quarter’s identity and how the inhabitants identify with their surroundings.

Based on various methodologies, urban renewal instruments are currently being applied in the following areas.

Current projects

Fechenheim town center, © Nassauische Heimstätten
Urban revitalization

Fechenheim - Vibrant Centers

Under the motto of “Creative center – urban life –free space”, the plan is to preserve and refine the town center’s unique and distinctive characteristics.

Status: 16.07.2024 More
View of Höchst castle from the River Main, © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
Urban revitalization, Commerce

Downtown Höchst Support Program

A masterplan was approved for Höchst in conjunction with a support program. The intention is to highlight the opportunities for urban development and stimulate the revitalization of the district.

Status: 19.09.2024 More
Row of shops, Ben Gurion Ring 52-58 © City of Frankfurt Planning Department
Urban revitalization
Bonames, Nieder-Eschbach

Social Cohesion Ben-Gurion-Ring

As part of the “Social Cohesion” program, the major “Am Bügel” housing estate on Ben Gurion
Ring in the north of Frankfurt will be upgraded and transformed to create an attractive quarter
with a positive aura, where it is a pleasure to live.

Status: 13.01.2025 More
Social City Nied © City Planning Department Frankfurt/Main
Urban revitalization

Social City Nied

The "Social City" funding programme is designed to enhance the quality of housing and life in Nied, to improve the district's image, and moreover to encourage local recreation and relaxation.

Status: 11.02.2025 More
Social Cohesion Sossenheim © City of Frankfurt Planning Dept.
Urban revitalization

Social Cohesion Sossenheim

The “Social Cohesion” support program is destined to improve the quality of life and housing and develop the district with a view to the future.
Improving the quality of life and housing in Sossenheim.

Status: 15.11.2024 More
Photo: "Kaiserstraße at the heart of the Bahnhofsviertel district", © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
Urban revitalization, Housing

Urban redevelopment in the Bahnhofsviertel

The goal: to augment the “Bahnhofsviertel” as a residential district, to improve the overall urban design, and to enhance the diversity of usages in the quarter, which is characterized by turn-of-the-20th-century buildings.

Status: 30.01.2024 More
View of Omega Bridge and Waldschulstrasse © City Planning Department, City of Frankfurt/Main
Urban revitalization

Urban redevelopment of Central Griesheim

Central Griesheim is a district that has grown over time, in which different epochs and the development they experienced have all left traces.

Status: 12.08.2024 More