Urban redevelopment of Central Griesheim
Griesheim-Mitte Wir. Hier. Mit Dir.
Ms. Isabell Richter
fone: +49 (0)69 212 44300
Ms. Stefanie Dichtl
fone: +49 (0)69 212 33751
Project description
Reason for planning
In November 2019, the area of “Central Griesheim” was included in the Urban Redevelopment in Hessen scheme run by the Federal and Hessen State governments. The urban development scheme follows on directly from implementation of the “Griesheim - north of the Railroad” urban development concept adopted in 2014.
In Central Griesheim there is a particularly urgent need for action as far as improvement of its residential function is concerned. As this is a traditional commercial district, local business also needs to be strengthened in order to ensure the future viability of the diverse local commercial activities. Given demographic and climatic aspects, the consequences of climate change and the ensuing requisite climate adaptation measures likewise need to be taken into account.
Parallel to the urban redevelopment process, Central Griesheim has, since January 2015, has been receiving funding as part of the Frankfurt “Active Neighborhoods” scheme. Management of the district is funded by the Internationaler Bund (IB, International Federation).
Planning area
Central Griesheim in the Frankfurt district of Griesheim for the moment covers an area of approx. 128 hectares, and at year-end 2021 had about 8,000 inhabitants. To the north, it is bordered by Mainzer Landstrasse and to the south by the tracks of the railroad between Frankfurt Main Station and Wiesbaden. To the west, it extends as far as the access road to the B 40 highway, and to the east as far as the A5 interstate. The Central Griesheim urban redevelopment zone is itself extremely heterogeneous and is defined by 1960s housing in the east and a mixed-use small-scale building structure, to one that is predominantly commercial in the west.
Planning objectives
The intention behind the inclusion of Central Griesheim in the Federal and state urban conversion program (since 2020 “Growth and Sustainable Renewal”) is to expand and advance the City of Frankfurt’s objectives – as have been pursued to date as part of the “Griesheim - north of the Railroad” urban development concept. As well as defusing difficult situations with regard to promoting housing while also safeguarding real estate that can be used commercially, the focus is also on activating the potential that available spaces offer and creating new or improving existing links between open spaces.
Project Progress
Gradually implementation of the individual projects from the extensive catalog of measures in the ISEK - information on the current individual projects can be found in the "Individual projects and measures" section.
Completed projects
- 2022: Greened zones on Ahornstrasse: Playground for toddlers and upgrade of the surrounding areas
- 2021: Greened zones on Ahornstrasse: “Chill & Sports” sports and leisure time zone. Route made connecting Ahornstrasse and Froschhäuser Strasse
- 2020: Resolution of the integrated urban development concept (ISEK)
- April 2018 - July 2019: Creation of the integrated urban development concept (ISEK) with specific projects for Griesheim-Mitte in close and cooperative collaboration with local citizens, the local economy and the various stakeholders from educational, leisure and educational institutions.
- October 2016: Inclusion in the Growth and Sustainable Renewal program
PDF files relating to the project
More information
Local Partnership
What is the Local Partnership?
The Local Partnership is a voluntary committee comprising 15 active citizens and 14 representatives of institutions at work in downtown Griesheim. The members of the Local Partnership represent the needs and wishes of their neighbors and discuss the desired projects and necessary changes in downtown Griesheim. They are in close contact with local authorities and the Municipal Council, the city renewal management team, and make recommendations to Local Consultative Council 6. The committee is a participation and information multiplier for all citizens, as well as institutions operating in downtown Griesheim.
The first meeting of the local partnership took place on October 11, 2018 in Griesheim-Mitte. At the first meeting, the committee adopted its own rules of procedure, elected a chairperson and also set the next meeting dates.
You want to become a member?
Please consult the city renewal management team as regards becoming a member.
Please take part! We want to hear your views and opinions.
The Local Partnership: Where and when?
Eichenstraße 13, 65933 Frankfurt am Main - Griesheim-Mitte
Management of the urban restructuring
Beratungsgesellschaft für Stadterneuerung und Modernisierung mbH (BSMF) was commissioned to support realization of the urban conversion efforts with the urban conversion management team.
The urban conversion management team acts as a key interface between the municipal administration, the players in the district, and the inhabitants, and realizes the IUDC projects.
The urban conversion team can be reached at the district office in Waldschulstrasse 17A; it is available during the regular advisory sessions.
Anreizprogramm Regenwasserbewirtschaftung
Heiße Sommermonate und lange Trockenperioden unterbrochen von Starkregenereignissen prägen immer stärker das Bild des hiesigen Klimas. Vor allem in unseren Städten und Gemeinden können Starkregenereignisse, zu Überlastungen der kommunalen Wasserbewirtschaftungsanlagen und somit zu schweren Schäden führen. Eine (Teil-)Lösung des Problems liegt im Prinzip der naturnahen Regenwasserbewirtschaftung.
Das Ziel der naturnahen Regenwasserbewirtschaftung ist die Nutzbarmachung des fallenden Niederschlags und die Wiederherstellung des natürlichen Wasserkreislaufs. Statt das Niederschlagswasser direkt der Kanalisation zuzuführen, soll dieses am Ort der Entstehung versickert, verdunstet und genutzt werden. Das entlastet nicht nur Kanalisation und Kläranlagen, sondern verbessert auch das lokale Kleinklima und unterstützt die Regeneration der Grundwasserspeicher.
Neben einer Vielzahl anderer Maßnahmen, die die Stadt Frankfurt am Main mit Programmen wie etwa „Frankfurt frischt auf" fördert und übergeordnet im „Masterplan 100 % Klimaschutz" festschreibt, wird die nachhaltige Regenwasserbewirtschaftung im Rahmen des Projekts „Stadtumbau Griesheim-Mitte" gefördert.
Zu diesem Zweck wird in Griesheim-Mitte ein Beratungsteam eingesetzt, um den interessierten Eigentümer:innen bei der Entwicklung der Lösung für das betreffende Grundstück aktiv zur Seite zu steht.
Es werden verschiedene Maßnahmen mit dem Ziel der Verdunstung, Versickerung sowie Nutzung des Regenwassers gefördert. Die Förderquote beträgt bis zu 85 % der als förderfähig eingestuften Kosten. Je Maßnahme und Grundstück kann ein Maximalbetrag von 20.000 EURO erstattet werden. Weitere Informationen können den Fördergrundsätzen entnommen werden.
Bei Interesse erteilt das Stadtumbaumanagement gerne weitere Auskünfte und stellt den Kontakt zu unserem Beratungsteam her.
Contingent fund
City of Frankfurt Contingent Fund for Areas that come under Urban Development Promotion, © City of Frankfurt Planning Department
Contingent fund of the City of Frankfurt/Main
With a view to strengthening its commitment to the common good, the City of Frankfurt is making available to those districts undergoing urban renewal a budget (contingent fund) for the execution of minor local projects and measures. In an unbureaucratic way the fund will enable independent civic activity in the non-investment field.
Do you have an idea that could be used to play an active role in your neighborhood? The City of Frankfurt will be pleased to reimburse you for your efforts.
Initial ideas for projects can be discussed informally with the neighborhood management team. The district manager Marja Glage also offers assistance with submitting an application and the implementation process.
To the district management page
Single projects and measures
New greened and sports areas on Ahornstrasse
The “New greened and sports areas on Ahornstrasse” is part of the Integrated District Development Concept IDDC (resolution of the City Council of February 2020, section 4500).
The measure is destined to achieve different objectives:
- Upgrading sports, playground and greened areas along Ahornstrasse,
- Creating a link for pedestrians and cyclists between Mainzer Landstrasse and Lärchenstrasse.
To this end, in the residential district two greened and unbuilt areas will be upgraded by landscape planning and become new zones. On the area hitherto used commercially to the south of Ahornstrasse a public greened sports area is currently being created for families and young people (sub-section “TB 3”). Parallel to this, on the plot at Ahornstrasse 99 (site: Kai-Uwe Gärtner House) already used for public purposes a small park will be established for the quarter ideal for infants and children (sub-section “TB 1”). In addition, the path between Ahornstrasse and und Froschhäuser Strasse will be augmented (sub-section “TB 2”) and in this way access to the quarter improved.
In the context of the Urban Planning Promotion Day 2021, a film with young people from the quarter that highlights how a former car dealership area has been transformed into a modern, multifunctional sports and leisure-time area. The film shows the gradual development of the area away from its original state through to the first construction activities and how local inhabitants influenced things – and is itself part of the way the locals have made it their own.
The development of the new sports and leisure-time area as presented in the film takes pride of place in the multi-stage development process on Ahornstrasse. It was made possible by swapping the area for another piece of land.
In July 2021, the new “Chill & Sports”- Ahornstrasse sports and leisure-time area for young people in Central Griesheim-Mitte was opened.
District square – New heart
The new design of the areas round the Griesheim LRT station is one of the key local sustainable development projects. The areas have the key functions: a meeting place, a linking underpass that serves as an entrance to the district. Today, the entire zone is not very appealing and is not structured in terms of urban and transportation planning. The central location is ideal, however, to create an additional attractive space in Central Griesheim.
The objective of the open planning competition (November 2020 to September 2021) is to develop ideas for a central square that encourages people to spend time there. The focus is in particular on creating a district square to the north that forges a strong identity for Griesheim. That said, the plan is to render the less public areas in the south accessible to all local inhabitants and enhance their attractiveness.
Among the proposals submitted, the concept tabled by the joint venture faktorgruen Landschaftsarchitekten bdla beratende Ingenieure mbB and Fichtner Water & Transportation GmbH was nominated as the winner.
The competition was carried out with the close involvement of the local residents. The outcome of the civic participation was documented and can be downloaded below as a pdf.
The winning proposal will now be elaborated further, given greater depth, and the overall costs involved estimated. All the information will be collated and presented to the City Council members. If official approval is granted, implementation planning and all the details will be prepared and the overall costs of the project specified. A further City Council resolution is necessary in order to put the construction services out to tender. Once all the firms have been taken under contract, construction of the “New Center” of the district can commence.
Construction work for the overall project is expected to commence in 2026.
Upgrading of the public greened zones at the intersection of Schwarzerlenweg and Espenstrasse and Kiefernstrasse
Upgrading the public greened zones east of Waldschulstrasse at the intersection of Schwarzerlenweg and Espenstrasse and on Kiefernstrasse is another project dedicated to redeveloping Central Griesheim.
At present, the potential the greened zones offer has not been exhausted. While there are beautiful existing trees, there is a lack of leisure areas and the layout of the greened zones is out of date.
As a first step and with the close involvement of the local inhabitants, in the coming months a conceptual study will be produced. The focus will be, among others, on a closer consideration of the following topics:
- Structuring the outdoor areas and creating more attractive and contemporary services for all age groups and population groups
- Optimizing routes
- Protecting and preserving the existing trees, augmenting biodiversity, heeding ecological and climate adaption considerations
- Avoiding and eliminating spaces that can give rise to fear and “horrible sights” by means of new plans and designs
The conceptual study is destined to serve as the basis for the planning going forwards. The study’s findings will gradually be implemented, presumably starting in 2026.
The objectives of the project are to improve the leisure-time quality of the location and strengthen the neighborhood by creating meeting points while also factoring in the needs and interests of Griesheim locals.
Additional individual projects and measures
Improvement in rainwater management
Hot summer months and long periods without rain interrupted by torrential rainfall are increasingly defining the climate in Germany. Above all in our cities and communities, incidents of torrential rainfall can place excessive strain on local authority water management facilities and thus cause severe damage. A (partial) solution to the problem can be derived from close-to-natural rainwater management.
The objective of near-natural rainwater management entails making use of the rainfall and restoring the natural water cycle. Instead of directly channeling the rainwater into the drains, it should be allowed to seep into the ground where it occurs, evaporate, and be used. Not only does this take the strain offer the drains and sewage system, but also improves the local climate and supports the regeneration of our aquifers.
Alongside a whole raft of other measures that the City of Frankfurt is supporting with programs such as “Refreshing Frankfurt” and has codified in the supra-ordinated “Masterplan 100 % Climate Protection”, sustainable rainwater management is being promoted as part of the “Urban Redevelopment of Central Griesheim” project.
To this end, in team of advisors in Central Griesheim has been deployed to actively support interested property owners in developing solutions for their respective real estate.
Various measures are being supported that are designed to promote evaporation, rain seepage or use of the rainwater. Reimbursement can be provided up to a total of 85 % of the costs per measure and piece of land classified as worthy of support up to a maximum sum of EUR 20,000. For the details, please consult the support guidelines.
The Urban Redevelopment Management unit will gladly provide further information should you be interested and put you in contact with the team of advisors.
Die Verkehrsuntersuchung ist ein Teilprojekt des Integrierten städtebaulichen Entwicklungskonzepts. Mit der Erarbeitung wurde das Büro Durth-Roos beauftragt. Die Untersuchung wurde dem Ortsbeirat 6 – Frankfurter Westen im November 2022 vorgestellt und beinhaltete bereits mögliche Einzelprojekte, die sich aus der Mängelanalyse ergeben. Die dargestellten Einzelprojekte werden zunächst inhaltlich geprüft, vertieft und mit allen Beteiligten abgestimmt. Für eine Umsetzung sind politische Beschlüsse, Bewilligung der Förderung und eine Finanzierung erforderlich.
Im Rahmen der Vorstellung im Ortsbeirat 6 bestand die Möglichkeit über die Inhalte zu diskutieren und Unklarheiten oder Schwachstellen zu benennen. Bei der vorgestellten Präsentation handelt es sich um einen aktuellen Zwischenstand eines Entwicklungsprozesses, der kontinuierlich weiterbearbeitet und angepasst wird.