Securing commerzial zones Wilhelm-Fay-Strasse
District: Sossenheim
Size of the estate: 47 hectares
Project management:
Alexander Breit
Tel.: +49 (0)69 212 34968
Fax: +49 (0)69 212 30761
The Wilhelm Fay Strasse commercial zone is located in the district of Sossenheim between the A5, A66 and A648 interstates. The plan is for the zone to be a commercial estate. It will mainly feature offices usages and computer centers. At present, there is a lot of wasteland areas, and a legal reallocation process is underway. Once this is complete, ownership of many of the sites will be transferred to the City of Frankfurt.
The area around Wilhelm Fay Strasse is increasingly emerging as a cluster for computer centers. At present, several new projects are being planned. As part of rolling the commercial zone development program out, suitable areas for the computer centers are being designated – the vacant land in Sossenheim constitutes one of these suitable areas. The plan is to control and manage the development of the computer centers in the area by means of urban planning laws. Moreover, some areas will also be made available specifically for the types of companies that traditionally locate to commercial estates.
At present, an informal masterplan is being drawn up for the estate. In the medium term, it will make its way through the various decision-making levels. At present, no measures entailing binding urban land-use planning are on the table.