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North of Dieburger Strasse

Development plan no. 698

Urban development draft, Housing
District: Local district:
Size of area:
about 9 ha
thereof about 3 ha green area
Project management:

Mr. Nils Ruf
fone: +49 (0)69 212 49529

Project description

Reason for planning
To offset the growing need for housing, the City of Frankfurt seeks to make sufficient land available for new homes  to be built. In the south of the Fechenheim district, legal zoning plan B 698 “North of Dieburger Strasse” will play a role in this regard, as it provides for land for residential use. The surrounding local recreation facilities and parkland lay ideal foundations for the development of an attractive residential area.
The legal zoning plan “North of Dieburger Strasse” provides the legal basis for the construction of approx. 250 housing units. Of these, 30 percent will be subsidized housing, which will also help meet the current need for rent-supported apartments.

Development area
The development area is in the south of the district of Fechenheim and embracers a total surface area of approx. 9 hectares. In the south it is bordered by Dieburger Strasse and the adjacent buildings along the road. In the northwest the commercial zone will adjoin Ferdinand Porsche Strasse. In the northeast the development area is bordered by the “Mainperle” allotment gardens. With the exception of the buildings along the road (used primarily for residential purposes) and some commercial building to the rear. The area in question will primarily be defined by gardens and green zones.


Planning objectives

The aim of legal zoning plan B 698 – North of Dieburger Strasse is to provide the legal planning basis for the orderly development of a residential area, taking the existing commercial premises into consideration. The envisaged structure of the urban fabric and usages is based on the existing buildings in the zone. The immediate vicinity is also considered in order to guarantee compatibility between housing and commercial uses
The key underlying idea behind the development of the area is to create housing and increase the use of property for residential purposes as a whole. Moreover, the plan is to build a childcare center in the northwest of the area. To ensure a smooth transition to the adjoining “Ferdinand Porsche Strasse” commercial estate, an urban district is being developed in the west with the emphasis on commercial usages. The plan also lays the legal basis for the existence to the north of the Fechenheim green corridor, which provides a link between the bend in the River Main in the south and the “Seckbacker Ried” marshland in the north. Thanks to this enhancement, a local recreation zone for future residents and indeed the entire population of Fechenheim will arise. Furthermore, the legal zoning plan will ensure that the “Mainperle” allotment gardens are legally safeguarded against incursion.

Project progress

The planning procedure and the reallocation procedure are mutually dependent and influence each other, and thus have a reciprocal effect on the timing of the procedure.

Planning procedure
Next planning steps:
Preparation of public participation in accordance with Section 3 (2) of the German Building Code (BauGB) for the legal zoning plan no. 698.


  • Development of the draft for the legal zoning plan no. 698
          - on the basis of the urban design draft
          - taking into account the results of several expert opinions as well as  
             and suggestions of the citizens and public authorities in the context of the early     
             within the scope of the early participation

26 June, 2014: Resolution to secure planning approval of the legal zoning plan no. 698 by the City Council.

Spring 2013:

2013: Development of an urban design draft for the plan area by the architectural firm BS+

Reallocation procedure
Due to the existing parcel structure, a land readjustment in accordance with §§ 45ff. German Building Code (BauGB) is required in the planning area, at the end of which sensibly tailored and structurally usable building plots should be available.

Next planning steps:
With the entry into force of the legal zoning plan, the reallocation office can, after discussion with the owners, draw up the reallocation plan as the result of the land readjustment.

14 September, 2018: decision and initiation of the reallocation procedure by the reallocation body through announcement in the official Gazette no. 39 of 25 September, 2018
31 August, 2017 and 23 August, 2018: resolution on reallocation by the City Council.