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Overall responsibility

City of Frankfurt
Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 10
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Email: planungsamt@stadt-frankfurt.de

Editing and concept

City of Frankfurt
Abteilung 61.2 - Zentrale fachliche Dienste
Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 10
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0)69 212 34202
Fax: +49 (0)69 212 45978
Email: abteilung-2.amt61@stadt-frankfurt.de

English translation

Gaines Translations
Hasengasse 10
60311 Frankfurt/Main
Telefon:  +49 (0)69 465879
Telefax:   +49 (0)69 461796
Managing Director: Dr. Jeremy Gaines
Tax no.: 012 820 01225
VAT no.: DE111907300

Technical implementation and Web Server
COM.POSiTUM Multimedia-Agentur GmbH
Lindenstraße 37 a
36037 Fulda
Tel:  +49 (0)661 25111 80
Fax:   +49 (0)661 25111 90
Registered with: Fulda Local Court, file no. 1414
Managing Directors: Ernst Neidhardt, Sonja Neidhardt LL.M.
Tax no.: 018 230 00 662
VAT no.: DE 180583286 (in accordance with section 27 a UStG)


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