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East of A661 autobahn - Hanauer Landstrasse/Peter-Behrens-Strasse

Commerce, Industrie
District: Local district:
Size of area:
74 Hektar
Project management:

Ms. Sabine Brettfeld
fone: +49 (0)69 212 31940

Project description

Reason for planning
The City of Frankfurt’s Commercial Real Estate Development Program identifies sites suited to safeguard and develop manufacturing, processing, and service-based commercial operations. In like manner, approval under planning law has been obtained to safeguard such sites or realize them. This also includes the area in the Osthafen zone east of the A661 autobahn between Hanauer Landstrasse and Peter Behrens Strasse.

A change of owners and the planned relocation of the Samson company mean that larger plots of land in the area covered by the relevant development plan are set to undergo urban planning changes. This involves not only the company grounds of Samson AG but also plots between Hanauer Landstrasse and Weismüllerstrasse as well as plots between Schielestrasse and Peter Behrens Strasse that are in part at least under-used or lie waste.

Restructuring the development of the area will take place in line with the City of Frankfurt’s urban planning objectives. The Development Plan is destined to create the preconditions for this under planning law.
BU: East of the A661 autobahn – between Hanauer Landstrasse and Peter Behrens Strasse, Samson company commercial buildings © City of Frankfurt Dept. of Planning

Development area

The planning area comes within the Osthafen zone and is located in the City of Frankfurt’s Ostend district. It lies between the A 661 autobahn in the west, the buildings along Hanauer Landstrasse in the north, the harbor railway tracks and the Oberhafen I harbor basin in the east, and the Main riverside in the south.

The development area is approx. 74 hectares in size.

Planning objectives
The Development Plan’s primary objective is to ring-fence the site for manufacturing, processing, and service-based commercial operations. The planning law currently in place cannot prevent undesired, rival usages spreading further within the development area, squeezing out classical commercial companies. The intention is to ensure reliable management of future usages by enshrining it in the legal structure of an approved development plan.

The idea is to further develop existing sites north of Hanauer Landstrasse as a spill-over area for large-sized retail outfits that do not need embedding in malls. The restrictions on or exclusion of mall-based and local-store-related retailers is intended to protect the central shopping zones.

The existing location focus for independent computer centers in the area of Weismüllerstrasse will henceforth come under planning law and therefore be managed accordingly. Further computer centers will be able to locate to adjacent sub-sites (Digital Park East). Otherwise, the areas available to independent computer centers will be restricted. Moreover, regulations are in place for better integration of the computer centers into the urban fabric.

One objective will be to enable the expansion of Peter Behrens Strasse under planning law in order to enable better development of the commercial and industrial areas in the Oberhafen section.

In line with the goals of the City of Frankfurt landscaping plan, measures to ensure greater greening in the commercial areas are on the table. The idea of consistent greenery in commercial areas is intended to also ensure better routing for pedestrians and cyclists.

Another objective of the development plan is to open the Main riverside up to the public.

Project progress
Next panning steps H2 2025: Finalization of the proposed planning law

At present: Studies on the basic requirements, preparation of expert reports

May 2024 – July 2024: Negotiations on acquiring a piece of real estate as part of pre-emptive purchasing rights in the riverside area

April 2024: Sale of the land owned by Samson-AG

from 2022:
•    Ongoing consultations with Interxion/Digital Realty on the future development of “Digital Park East”
•    Consultations with the Samson company and other parties interested in the real estate on the future use of the grounds

Feb. 14 – March 17, 2022: Timely involvement of the relevant local authorities

Feb. 16 – March 3, 2022: Timely involvement of the public (online)

2022-2023: Creation of a structure/usage concept as the basis for devising the development plan and for further consultation

Dec. 21, 2021: Statute comes into force covering special pre-emptive purchasing rights as per section 25 (1) sentence 1 no. 2 German Construction Code (BauGB) to ring-fence the urban planning objectives set out in B-Plan 941

Nov. 11, 2021
: Planning approval for Development Plan no. 941 –  East of the A661 autobahn – between Hanauer Landstrasse and Peter Behrens Strasse